
Thank you for visit my blog. :)))
At the beggining I only mention that my blog is refer to healthy life and all about it. In the modern time it is very actual, people often talk about diet, healthy eating, fitness, phisical activities and media coverage have a part of that.
Maybe will be interesting to talking on this topic!!! Have a funny time !!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Womens and diet ! ! !

A healthy diet is even more essential for women than men. Often we can heard women: Wow unbelievable!!! I'm fat! :) By me, in more of case, it is unrealistically. Somebody lose her weight more than enough, somobody who have good line, persistently repeat: I'm fat !!! That go to be anorexic.
As well as pregnancy, women have to cope with debilitating hormone irregularities which can impact adversely on both health and weight. Healthy eating won't eliminate these effects, but it often relieves symptoms. It's worth remembering that some foods - especially fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, nuts, dairy, poultry, meat, contain chemicals which are believed to exercise a powerful beneficial effect on the human body. More research is needed into the effect of these foods, but all dietitians and nutritionists agree that the quality of our daily diet has a huge impact on our health, especially if we are female.
There are different proven formulas on different diets that you could incorporate into your everyday life that would keep you in shape. It is wise to always have three aquare meals and some snacks in beetween. The big "aha" comes when we learn that what matters is not so much what foods we eat, as how we eat them. We always have to know: TAKE THE FOOD SLOW !!!_no matter which cuisine you favor.
What you think about that???
If you want write. :))))

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Welcome !!!!

Thank you for visit my blog. :)))

At the beggining I only mention that my blog is refer to healthy life and all about it. In the modern time it is very actual, people often talk about diet, healthy eating, fitness, phisical activities and media coverage have a part of that. Maybe will be interesting to talking on this topic!!!
Have a funny time !!!